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7 Ways To Make Yourself Happy

Ways To Make Yourself Happy: Thing To Do

Want to be happier? Begin by being good to yourself. That may sound self-evident, but too many people skip this step and try to make themselves happy by chasing ever-higher goals, or holding themselves to ever-greater standards of perfection.

There are always actions we can take to amp up our good vibes. Consider trying a few of these -- or all of them! -- and you're guaranteed to give your day a little boost.

1. Start with a Good Dose of Gratitude

Being consciously aware of what you’re thankful for can actually change your level of happiness.

When you wake up each morning, spend time time recalling all the things for which you feel grateful.

Start with simple things: Do you have a roof over your head? Enough to eat? It might be helpful to start a gratitude journal.

2. Listen to Yourself

That is, listen to how you talk to yourself, and the internal tone of voice you use. We often criticize ourselves in our own heads and that brings down our confidence. When you love yourself, you know you're good enough that you have to stop talking to yourself in negative terms.

3. Do Something

Whether it's sending an email or clearing the clutter off your dining room table, just getting one tiny little thing off your to-do list and onto the 'it's done' list will give you a huge mental sigh of relief.

4. Work on your Dreams

Not a day should pass where you don't spend some part of it no matter how small devoted to your dreams and goals. Even if it's only five minutes, there will be so much fulfillment in those five minutes that you will be encouraged to spend more time devoted to making your dream come true.

5. Set an Intention for the Day

Setting a daily intention to guide your day puts you in the driver’s seat, where you can make conscious decisions, rather than react to incoming demands. You may not be able to get your way all the time, but simply being aware of what you intend to accomplish will provide you with a sense of purpose, and an opportunity to be consistent in the way you interact with the world.

6. Travel

There’s something about leaving our home town, and taking a plane across the world to meet new friends, discover new cultures, and escape our comfort zones.

We start to see a side of the world that we never knew about — the beautiful and the ugly — and we can start off fresh with a blank state. If you don’t have the luxury of traveling at a moment’s notice, this study shows us that just the act of planning for a vacation can boost our happiness.

7. Foster Good Relationships with Family and Friends

Happy people don’t spend large amounts of time alone. By spending time with people you like, you forge supportive relationships that help you in times of stress.

You also bond with others through common experiences, such as life’s ups and downs. They become your support network.

People who don’t spend as much time with family or friends are more prone to loneliness and depression.


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